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Team info

Mahsa Nejatinamin
Koen De Raad
Nuria Barriga Moreno

The challenge

Nowadays, cities are large producers of data. When collected, data is stored and distributed in a dispersed and decentralized manner via multiple stakeholders, resulting in an inefficient usage of it. In order to provide benefits for the citizens and municipalities, information must be grouped and clustered in an effective, efficient, meaningful, and less costly manner.

The solution

We believe that a digital 3D model of a city could be used within a platform to help achieve this purpose. The 3D models are used within an application platform in which all these data would come together to provide valuable insights to municipalities and citizens. Furthermore, companies can use this platform to explore and define new business models in their area of expertise. The platform is a host to modelling applications like; fine dust distributions/reductions in the air, event and crowd detection/management, water drainage visualisation, and smart grid exploration. This is merely a selection, there numerous other application one can think of. The real time data is collected via sensors. This information is recorded, stored, and used to the advantage of the stakeholders, environment, and society. The data shows the current city state and provides predictions based on current and previous events throughout history. These predictions are visualised to provide a thorough understanding of the city and its infrastructures. Stakeholders can make decisions based on the collected data and plugged in modules. MOD3L is an intelligent extendable platform that allows companies and municipalities to locate pain points in urban infrastructure by introducing IoT and big data in close interaction with one another.


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