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Team info

Bram Cappers
Josh Mengerink

The challenge

No modern company can afford to not do data. If you are not leveraging your data to gain benefits, your competitors are! Unfortunately, data analyses can be hard. Large upfront investiments in time, staff, and money. We want to change that! AnalyzeData provides a broad spectrum of services to help you bring added value to your products/services based on data. Interested in how we do? contact us today!

The solution

AnalyzeData offers a data processing platform where user can design their own or use predefined services such as "Geo Protection" and "Brute Force Protection" to instantly block unauthorized user logins on your website and prevent early stage cyberthreats. Besides automated services, the platform also offers the the award-winning PhD EventPad technology to visualize and discover unknown patterns and anomalies in your event collections. From the detection of telecom fraud or ransomware in network traffic to the discovery of bottlenecks in patient treatments. Eventpad enables rapid analysis for beginning and experienced data analysts.


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